Friday 20 January 2017

What if Obama never endorsed the Arab Spring?

If President Barrack Obama never endorsed the Arab Spring, he would have had a more sizable impact in the war on terror.

If Barrack Obama had never overthrown Gidaffi in Libya, Gidaffi would have regained control of Libya between 2011 and 2012. Had Obama never supported the uprising in Syria and forbidden his Muslim allies in funding the Syrian Opposition, Bashar Al-Assad would have remained in power after crushing an uprising in 1 or 2 years.

In short, ISIS would have never existed in Syria and Libya, and never existed as a separate entity from Al-Qaeda.

It would have meant that in 2014, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, while certain to create instability and chaos in Iraq under the name ISI (the Islamic State of Iraq), would have been unable to declare a Caliphate by crushing the Syria-Iraqi border. He would have only been able to urge Muslims to fighting their governments.

ISI would have never been powerful enough to break away from Al-Qaeda - only cause a resurgence of bloodletting in Iraq.

Obama would have returned to Iraq as he did in 2014, but he would have never had to combat as extensive an ISIS threat as he did in the later years of his Presidency. He would have been able to maintain that efforts and focus must be maintained towards Afghanistan over and above Iraq.

Obama, maintaining more emphasis on Afghanistan than Iraq, may have been able to do more sizable damage to the Taliban in Afghanistan instead of chasing after an ISIS threat his policies created.

In short, Obama has completely undone any work that he accomplished with the killing of Osama Bin Laden, withdrawal from Iraq and focus on Afghanistan. It has all been undone because he believed that Libya and Syria were ready for 'democracy' when Iraq as early as 2003 clearly showed why this is folly.

Obama will go down in history as a President whose efforts in the war on terror were misguided and contradictory. He should have known that the war for democracy must wait until the war on terror is won.

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